Aran Garcia

Training :

Millennium Dance 2000 ( London 2004/07 ) During this period took part on the shows :

“EXPLORATION” dancing for choreogrpher shuch as:

Darshan Sing Bhuller, Chris tudor, Nikki Woollaston, Danny Crosley.

“10th ANNIVERSARY” beeing the repetiteur for “Wa habibi” by Chris Tudor and performerd as Bobby in “Drive a person crazy” by Mary King and Lisa Donmall.

Graduating in 2007 with a National diploma in Musical Theatre and awarded as a Best contemporary choreographer in 2004 and 2007.

Extra classes and courses at:

London : The Place, Pinneapple, Moving East (contact impro), Rambert New York : BDC, Peridance and Steps Italy : Mediteranean Dance Festival : Talia Paz, Jillian Meyers, Wes Veldink,

tooking part on a dance film project choreographer and directed by : Wes Veldink Madrid : Performance, broadway, El Raton, DF

Indirizzo :Danza Contemporanea 
Missione  :Divulgare l’arte della   
Frase :Solo il sacrificio e la 
       passione rendono le cose 
Interessi :Istruire il corpo ad 
           eseguire il volere 